A Drop Of Water: A Book of Science and Wonder by Walter Wick

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A Drop Of Water: A Book of Science and Wonder by Walter Wick, 40 pages hard cover... Synopsis The most spectacular photographs ever created on the subject of water appear in this unique science book by Walter Wick. The camera stops the action and magnifies it so that all the amazing states of water can be observed -- water as ice, rainbow, steam, frost, dew. Readers can examine a drop of water as it falls from a faucet, see a drop of water as it splashes on a hard surface, count the points of an actual snowflake, and contemplate how drops of water form clouds. Evaporation, condensation, capillary, attraction, and surface tension are explained through simple text and illustrated by pictures that reveal water in its many awesome transformations. The last pages of the book feature experiments that welcome the reader into the world of scientific investigation. In A Drop of Water, Walter Wick embraces two disciplines, art and science, and stimulates the reader as aesthetic and scientific observer.....photos show actual item you will receive....$9.95

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